Listing Libraries in the system

View the Library catalog on IPLM Web or use the 'pi lib list' command from PiCLI. This section describes the options for listing Libraries within the Helix IPLM platform.

Permissions for listing Libraries

To see a Library, you must have read permissions to the Library. For more details about setting and displaying permissions, see the Permissions management section. 

IPLM Web Library catalog page

Searching the Library catalog

The Library catalog page shows the Library catalog and lists the Libraries in IPLM Web. Open the Library catalog page from the top menu bar, Catalogs -> Library catalog link. Libraries can also be used to filter the IP Catalog.

Each Library is displayed in the Library catalog as an icon. The column on the left lists the labels that have been applied to IP Libraries in the system. Clicking on a label filters the Library catalog by the Libraries that have the selected label applied. Library names can be searched from the Search Libraries box. The blue box in the corner of each Library icon displays the number of IPs in that Library. Clicking on a Library icon opens that Library's Library details page. 

From the Library details page, any widgets displayed on the Library dashboard are visible (see the Library metadata section for more information on Libraries and metadata). The number of IPs in the Library is displayed in the top right corner, and permissions applied to the Library are displayed in the side bar on the right.

Command line

Finding Libraries 

Use the 'pi library list' command to access the Helix IPLM Library catalog using the command line interface (PiCLI). The 'pi library list' command takes one or more Library identifiers and provides a list of the Libraries that match the identifiers.

pi library list
> pi lib list -h
Usage: pi library list [-h]
                       [--format {csv,json,long,table,template} | --verbose]
                       [--model MODEL] [--vendor VENDOR [VENDOR ...]]
                       [--label LABEL [LABEL ...]]
                       [--query QUERY | --squery SQUERY]
                       [identifier [identifier ...]]

Filtering search results

Library search results can be filtered by label. See Labels for more details.

Command option Description
--label LABEL [LABEL ...] Filter the results by the specified labels
--vendor VENDOR [VENDOR ...] Filter the results by the specified vendors

Configuring the output format

Helix IPLM can display the list output in a number of different formats.

Command Option Format Description
--format table The default format option, a list of values in table format

Lists the Library in the 'pi lib edit' CLI template format

The template format returns at most one result.

long Displays detailed information about the Library, equivalent to --verbose, v output

Display the list of Libraries in json format

Use the Helix IPLM API for scripting purposes.

csv Display the list of Libraries in comma separated value format
--verbose, -v
Displays detailed information about the Library, equivalent to --format long output
--model MODEL

Display a custom table format MODEL defined in piclient.conf

See the Client configuration section for more about the configuration of display models.

Running queries

See Querying Libraries in the system for more details on using queries.

Command option Description
--query QUERY, -q QUERY Search using a Helix IPLM query language expression
--squery SQUERY, -sq SQUERY Search using a saved Helix IPLM query language expression

Verbose mode output
> pi lib list -v tutorial
Library tutorial:
    Description               - The Helix tutorial SoC project, a mixed
                                signal automotive project based on TMS 90nm
    Vendor                    - Helix

    Created on                - 2020-03-02 08:10:32 -0800 PST by admin

  Permissions on Library:
    Owner                     -
    Write Permissions         - u:test
    Read Permissions          - g:tutorial u:test

    No Hooks defined.

Found 1 matching object(s).

Table output
> pi lib list
│ NAME           │ VENDOR    │ DESCRIPTION                              │ LABELS  │
│ ARM            │ ARM       │ ARM Library                              │ shared  │
│ Data-Converter │ XiTera    │ Data-Converter Library                   │         │
│ Mem            │ XiTera    │ Memory Library                           │ shared  │
│ PDK            │ Helix │ PDK IPs                                  │ shared  │
│ PLL            │ XiTera    │ PLL Library                              │         │
│ certification  │ internal  │ platform certification library           │         │
│ tutorial       │ Helix │ The Helix tutorial SoC project, a    │ project │
│                │           │ mixed signal automotive project based on │         │
│                │           │ TMS 90nm technology                      │         │
Found 7 matching object(s).

Library list customization options

It is possible to customize the default table output display of 'pi library list'. See the Client configuration section for more details.

The following non-default fields are available:

Optional display field Description
creation_timestamp Timestamp of the Library's creation
creator User that created the Library