
Labels are string identifiers that can be attached to IPs and Libraries. Labels are used to provide a taxonomy for organizing IPs and Libraries in their respective catalogs and can be used to filter results both on PiCLI and IPLM Web. Labels can be assigned a color which will be displayed on IPLM Web.

Labels are pre-defined by an administrator. Users can pick from a list of available labels and attach these to specific IPs or Libraries. Note that both IP and Library labels share the same set of labels, so the same label can be applied to both Libraries and an IPs.

Once applied, Labels can be used to filter the IP catalog both in IPLM Web and in PiCLI, supplying multiple labels filters the catalog by all the labels supplied.

Label configuration fields

Configuration Option Required Description
name Required

description Optional A description of the Label
color Optional The color to use to display the Label in IPLM Web
icon Optional The icon to use when displaying the Label in IPLM Web (not currently used)

Permissions and Labels

Function Permission Level Other Requirements
Label Creation Administrator No other label with the same name exists
Label Deletion Administrator The label isn't attached to any IP or Library
Label Edit Administrator
Label List None
Label Attach/Detatch Write Permission on the IP or Library

Administering Labels from IPLM Web

Open the Labels page in Administration->Labels.

Creating a new Label

To create a new Label click the Create New Label button.

Add a name for the label and select a color.

Click Save to save the label. The new label is now ready to apply to IPs, see the Applying Labels section below.

Editing existing Labels

Labels are managed on the Labels page under Administration->Labels.

To edit a Label, select one of the existing labels.

In the Editing area of the form, you can change the name of the label (IPs with the label will be unchanged), and change the color of the label.

Click Save to save the label. The edited label can be applied to IPs, see the Applying Labels section below.

Delete a Label

Clicking the selector opens the Labels page. To delete a Label, select one of the existing labels and click the Delete button:

Applying Labels

First Add or Edit the IP you wish to add the label to. On the Add or Edit IP form add the desired labels to the Labels field. Library labels are applied from PiCLI.

Command line

Labels can be managed on the command line using the 'pi label' command.

pi label Command
> pi label -h
Usage: pi label [-h] SUBCOMMAND ...

Description: Manipulate and list Labels. The Helix IPLM database does not
impose any particular hierarchy and Labels can be used to tag Library or IP
objects to help organize user IP data. Labels are created by admin users from
the command line or from the Web interface. 

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit

Available sub-commands:
    add       Create a new Label.
    attach    Attach an existing Label to a Library or an IP.
    delete    Delete an existing Label (remove from Helix IPLM).
    detach    Detach a Label from a Library or an IP.
    edit      Edit an existing Label.
    list (ls)
              List all matching Labels

Adding Labels

The 'pi label add' command brings up a template form that can be filled out to configure the label.


Administrator status is required to add labels. If the `–template` option is provided a pre-configured template can be used to configure and add the label.
pi label add Command
> pi label add -h
Usage: pi label add [-h] [--template TEMPLATE | identifier]

Description: Create a new Label. Only admin users can create Labels. The
command puts the Label specification into a temporary file and invokes the
editor specified by the EDITOR environment variable. Saving the file adds the

Positional arguments:
  identifier            Name of the Label being created.

Optional arguments:
  --template TEMPLATE, -t TEMPLATE
                        Use the specified template to add the Label. The
                        template is an ASCII file that defines the Label. This
                        can be used to add Labels with a script and avoid the
                        interactive editor. To read the template from STDIN,
                        set TEMPLATE='-'.
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit

# Create Label top_level
  pi label add top_level

Deleting Labels 

The 'pi label delete' command is used to remove labels that have been added to Helix IPLM. By default if the label has been attached to any IP or Library, Helix IPLM will block the label delete. Use the `–force` option to override this behavior and proceed with the label delete.

pi label delete Command
> pi label delete -h
Usage: pi label delete [-h] [--force] identifier

Description: Delete an existing Label (remove from Helix IPLM). Only admin
users can delete Labels.

Positional arguments:
  identifier   Name of the Label to delete.

Optional arguments:
  --force, -f  Complete delete execution (required when Label is attached).
  -h, --help   Show this help message and exit

# Delete detached Label top_level (blocked if attached)
  pi label delete top_level

# Delete Label top_level (complete execution even if attached)
  pi label delete --force top_level

Editing Labels 

The 'pi label edit' command is used to edit existing labels. If a template is provided via the '–template' argument any fields provided by the template will be modified. If a field of the full template is omitted, that field will remain unchanged on the label after edit. If no template is supplied via the '–template' option then a template form is provided via editor to the manually modify the label. Administrator status is required to edit labels. 

pi label edit Command
> pi label edit -h
Usage: pi label edit [-h] [--template TEMPLATE] [identifier]

Description: Edit an existing Label. Only admin users can edit Labels. The
command puts the Label specification into a temporary file and invokes the
editor specified by the EDITOR environment variable. Saving the file edits the

Positional arguments:
  identifier            Name of the Label being edited.

Optional arguments:
  --template TEMPLATE, -t TEMPLATE
                        Use the specified template to edit the Label. The
                        template is an ASCII file that defines the Label. This
                        can be used to edit Labels with a script and avoid the
                        interactive editor. To read the template from STDIN,
                        set TEMPLATE='-'.
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit

# Edit Label top_level
  pi label edit top_level

Listing Labels 

The 'pi label list' command is used to list labels that have been added to Helix IPLM

pi label list Command
> pi label list -h
Usage: pi label list [-h]
                     [--format {csv,json,long,table,template} | --verbose]
                     [--model MODEL]
                     [identifier [identifier ...]]

Description: List all matching Labels. A variety of format and filtering
options are supported.

Positional arguments:
  identifier            Filter Labels by name.

Optional arguments:
  --format {csv,json,long,table,template}
                        Return the results using the specified data structure.
                        The template format produces files that can be used by
                        the pi add|edit commands with the --template option.
  --model MODEL         Use the specified report model (table report only).
  --verbose, -v         Alias for --format long.
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit

Configuring the output format

Helix IPLM can display the list output in a number of different formats

Command Option Format Description
--format table The default format option, a list of values in table format.
template Lists the labels in the 'pi label edit' CLI template format. The template format returns at most one result, and requires an identifier.
long Displays detailed information about the label, equivalent to --verbose, -v output
json Display the list of labels in json format. Note that the Helix IPLM API should be used for scripting purposes.
csv Display the list of labels in comma separated value format.
--verbose, -v
Displays detailed information about the labels, equivalent to --format long output
--model MODEL
Display a custom table format MODEL defined in piclient.conf. See here for more information on configuring display models.

Example label list output:

Example Label List Output
> pi label list
│ NAME               │ CREATED BY │ CREATED ON                    │ COUNT │
│ 3rd_party          │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:59:08 -0800 PST │ 120   │
│ ISO26262_compliant │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 07:19:12 -0800 PST │ 40    │
│ MS90G              │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:53:52 -0800 PST │ 60    │
│ MS90G_LP           │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:59:09 -0800 PST │ 32    │
│ analog             │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:53:51 -0800 PST │ 26    │
│ digital            │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:53:52 -0800 PST │ 6     │
│ requirements       │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 07:19:10 -0800 PST │ 91    │
│ project            │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:53:50 -0800 PST │ 21    │
│ shared             │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:53:50 -0800 PST │ 63    │
Found 9 matching object(s).

Attaching Labels to IPs and Libraries

Labels are attached to IPs and Libraries using the pi label attach command.

Note:  To indicate whether a library or an IP is the target of a pi label attach or pi label detach command add a period to the end of Library names and supply both the library and IP name for IPs. Format Libraries as “library_name.” and IPs as “library_name.ip_name”.

pi label attach Command
> pi label attach -h
Usage: pi label attach [-h] object_identifier label_identifier

Description: Attach an existing Label to a Library or an IP.

Positional arguments:
  object_identifier  Library or IP to attach Label to.
  label_identifier   Name of the Label to attach to Library or IP.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help         Show this help message and exit

# Attach Label top_level to IP
  pi label attach top_level

Detaching labels is done via the 'pi label detach' command.

pi label detach Command
> pi label detach -h
Usage: pi label detach [-h] object_identifier label_identifier

Description: Detach a Label from a Library or an IP.

Positional arguments:
  object_identifier  Library or IP to detach the Label from.
  label_identifier   Name of the Label to detach from Library or IP.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help         Show this help message and exit

# Detach Label USB from Library foo
  pi label detach foo. USB

# Detach Label top_level from IP
  pi label detach top_level

Listing IPs and Libraries using Labels

See Listing IPs in the Catalog and Listing Libraries in the System for more information on using Labels to list IPs and Libraries, and to see which labels are applied to a given IP or Library.