Alternate server definitions

The Helix Broker can direct user requests to an alternate server to reduce the load on the target server. These alternate servers must be replicas (or brokers, or proxies) connected to the intended target server.

To set up and configure a replica server, see Replication. The broker works with both metadata-only replicas and with replicas that have access to both metadata and versioned files.

You can define any number of alternate replica servers in a broker configuration file.

The syntax for specifying an alternate server is:

altserver: name { target=[protocol:]host:port; }

For example:

altserver: rep_18310 { target=; }
altserver: rep_18320 { target=; }
altserver: rep_18330 { target=; }

The name you assign to the alternate server is used in Command handler specifications.

Configuring alternate servers to work with central authorization servers

Alternate servers require users to authenticate themselves when they run commands. For this reason, the Helix Broker must be used in conjunction with a central authorization server (P4AUTH). For more information about setting up a central authorization server, see Authorization and changelist servers.

When used with a central authorization server, a single p4 login request can create a ticket that is valid for the user across all servers in the Helix Broker’s configuration, enabling the user to log in once. The Helix Broker assumes that a ticket granted by the target server is valid across all alternate servers.

If the target server in the broker configuration file is a central authorization server, the value assigned to the target parameter must precisely match the setting of P4AUTH on the alternate server machine(s). Similarly, if an alternate sever defined in the broker configuration file is used as the central authorization server, the value assigned to the target parameter for the alternate server must match the setting of P4AUTH on the other server machine(s).

Example of a P4Broker configuration file

If you choose to use a broker instead of a forwarding replica, edit the P4Broker configuration file to add the target, listen port, and other broker information.

target      = master:11111;
listen      = 33333;
directory   = /p4broker/root/;
logfile     = broker.log;
debug-level = server=1;
admin-name  = "your name";
admin-phone = x1234;
admin-email =
redirection = selective;

# Add an "altserver" for the replica:
altserver: replica1
    target  = replica:22222;

# Add command handlers to redirect read-only metadata commands to the replica
command: ^(branches|changes|clients|counters|depots|dirs \
    |filelog|files|fstat|groups|interchanges|jobs|labels|opened \
    action  = redirect;
    destination = replica1;

# Prevent user joe from invoking p4 submit from the
# buildonly client workspace.
command: submit
    user = joe;
    workspace = buildonly;
    action = reject;
    message = "Submit failed: Please do not submit from this workspace.";

# Allow user 'maria' to run 'p4 opened -a' but not without the '-a' option
command: opened
    flags = -a;
    user = maria;
    action = pass;
command: opened
    user = maria;
    action = reject;
    message = "Please use 'p4 opened -a'";