Timestamp and Unix epoch time
The output of some commands might include a timestamp similar to 2022/06/02 23:59:29
where the format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss
and the timezone is that of the server.
Sometimes the timestamp might be in Unix epoch time. For example,
% p4 changes -t -m1 //depot/main/...
Change 12345 on 2022/06/02 23:59:29 by ....
% p4 -ztag changes -t -m1 //depot/main/...
... change 12345
... time 1654214369
where -ztag
causes the output to use Unix epoch time, which is also used for checkpoints, journals, structured logs, and the p4 fstat
and p4 topology commands. To convert Unix epoch time to a human-readable format, use a website such as https://www.epochconverter.com/