p4 topology

Reports the Helix Core servers that are connected directly and indirectly to the innermost server, including an indicator of the server this command is running on.


p4 [g-opts] topology [-a | -t numOfDays] [-F filter] [-T field,...] 
p4 [g-opts] topology -D date [-y] [-e] [-s serverAddress] 
p4 [g-opts] topology -d [-y] -s serverAddress -i serverID [-p targetAddress]
p4 [g-opts] topology -d [-y] -c date [-e] 
p4 [g-opts] topology -d [-y] -l lastSeenDate [-e] 
p4 topology -m [-y] -s serverAddress -i serverID -S newServerAddress -I newServerID 
p4 topology -m [-y] -s serverAddress -i serverID -p targetAddress -S newServerAddress -I newServerID -P newTargetAddress

Syntax conventions


This command:

  • reports the Helix Core servers that are connected directly and indirectly to the innermost server

  • includes an indicator of the server this command is running on, such as Topology command was run on server -

  • relies on the Topology table of the database schema

These servers can be connected directly or indirectly. The types of servers listed are: master, commit, edge (including edge-to-edge chaining), read-only replica, forwarding replica, standby, build, proxy, and broker.

By default, the command reports only the latest configurations based on the Helix Core Server address, Target server address, and serverID for each service.

Output format


Format of the output

p4 topology untagged, used by the Perforce admin for a quick validation
p4 -ztag topology tagged (see -z tag under Global options)
p4 -ztag -Mj topology JSON (see -Mj tag under Global options)



(Optional) Display all the configurations of the services that are captured in the Topology table. With the -a option, the output does not exclude records that have been superseded, such as an older standard server entry after that server has been converted to a commit-server.

See Example of -a to see all records as well as db.topology in Helix Server Schema Documentation.


Defaults to a preview of marking a record as deleted, which:

  • does not remove the record from the topology table

  • excludes that record from the output of p4 topology, but such records are included in the output of p4 topology -a

If there are multiple entries with the same server address, destination address, and server id, the operation is performed on the server record with the latest timestamp of its creation. To execute the operation, include the -y option. See Example of -d to mark records as deleted based on creation date and Example of -d to mark records as deleted records based on lastSeenDate.


Defaults to a preview of the permanent deletion of the record based on the date in Linux epoch format. This date does not necessarily correspond to a creationDate or a lastSeenDate. To see the date in this format, use the p4 -ztag topology command. See Example of permanently deleting records with -D.

To permanently delete the specified records from the table, include the -y option.

-c creationDate Specify the creation date in Linux epoch format. The creationDate represents the first time the server record was entered into the Topology table.
-l lastSeenDate Specify the last seen date in Linux epoch format. The lastSeenDate represents the last time the server record was updated.
-e Include all the records earlier than, and including, the specified -d date.
-y Can be used with -d, -D, and -m to perform the action rather than show a preview.
-s serverAddress

The server address.

-p The existing target address.
-i The existing server ID as opposed to -I, the new server ID when using the -m option.
-S The new server address when using the -m option.
-P The new target address.
-I The new server ID.

Ensures that the move operation marks the specified source server record as being moved to the target server.

If the topology record has the target address, it is mandatory to provide both the source target address -p and the new target address -P.

Defaults to a preview. To execute the operation, include the -y option.

-t numberOfDays

Display the configurations recorded during the specified number of numberOfDays prior to, and including, today. Any positive integer is valid. See Example of limiting time with -t.

The -t option internally uses the value of the LastSeenDate field. Whereas Date represents the first time that the topology command reported a specific service, LastSeenDate is the most recent time that the topology command reported a specific service.

-F filter

List only those records that match the criteria specified by filter. See Example of filtering for fields with -F.

The filter pattern can be a regular expression. Topology uses the same filtering as p4 fstat. See Filter with -F on the p4 fstat page.

-T field

Limits output to the specified fields, where the specified fields are in a comma-separated list. See Example of limiting fields with -T .


See Global options, especially -ztag and -ztag -Mj.

Usage notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required




available to an operator user

Output that includes indicates that the host address is unspecified. In such a case, Helix Core Server listens on all the available IPV4 addresses on the host. For example, if a host has two IP addresses, and, and a Helix Core Server running on this host listens on, the server is listening on both IP addresses.


Example of limiting time with -t

p4 topology -t 7 outputs results for the current day as well as six days prior to the current day.

Example of filtering for fields with -F

p4 topology -F "^ServerAddress=* ^ServerAddress=*" uses a regular expression that filters out any results where the ServerAddress begins with or

Example of limiting fields with -T

If p4 -ztag topology outputs

... ServerAddress
... Date 1645786193
... ServerID oldmaster
... Type standard
... LastSeenDate 1645788650
... ReportingServer true

p4 topology -T ReportingServer,ServerID limits output to the specified fields:

... ServerID oldmaster
... ReportingServer true

Example of permanently deleting records with -D

First, run p4 -ztag topology to get output that includes the Linux epoch date of each record, such as

... Date 1633567679

Second, preview the permanent deletion of the records with that date:

p4 topology -D 1633567679

and note that the output includes this comment:

# This is in preview mode. For actual deletion, use '-y'.

Finally, confirm that you want to permanently delete all the records of the specified date:

p4 topology -y -D 1633567679

To delete a specific record of that date, include the server address:
p4 topology -y -D 1633567679 -s

To delete records of all dates prior to, and including, the specified date, include the -e option:
p4 topology -y -e -D 1633567679

Example of -d to mark records as deleted based on creation date

p4 topology -d -c 1664451396 -y

Example of -d to mark records as deleted records based on lastSeenDate

p4 topology -d -l 1664451395 -y

Example of -a to see all records

The output of p4 topology -a can be a superset of the output of p4 topology because the -a option includes records that have been superseded. In this example, a server restart is associated with the conversion of that server's type from standard to commit-server. With the -a option, records that are marked for deletion are included.

p4 topology -a p4 topology master 2022/05/18 13:59:55 commit-server 2022/05/18 13:59:55 master 2022/05/18 13:59:55 commit-server 2022/05/18 13:59:55 master 2022/05/18 13:59:53 standard 2022/05/18 13:59:53 (This entry does not appear without -a because it is superseded by the server type conversion.)