p4 graph recompute-refcnts (graph)

Recompute object refcounts in the object table.


p4 graph recompute-refcnts [-r] [-y]

Syntax conventions


This command recomputes refcount values in the object table.

By default, the command displays a preview of any required corrections. To make the command perform the corrections, specify the -y option.

Because this command might take a long time to complete:

  • results of the default preview are saved for future use when the -y option is specified

  • if the user terminates the command before it completes the preview or the corrections, the user can resume progress by specifying the -r option


-r Resume the command.
-y Perform any corrections instead of giving a preview.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required




Related Commands

To delete records of orphaned objects from the object table.

p4 graph gc (graph)

To delete refhist records for a repo.

p4 graph purge-refhist (graph)