p4 graph purge-refhist (graph)

Delete refhist records for a repo.


p4 graph purge-refhist -n repo [-B date] [-y]

Syntax conventions


The command deletes reference history records for a repo. These are for references that are already removed from the ref table.


-n The repo name, with the .git suffix. For example, //graphdepot1/repoA.git
-B Limits the deletion of reference history to records prior to the specified date, preserving more recent records.

By default, the command displays a preview of the results. To execute the operation, include the -y option.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required



Either repo admin, based on p4 grant-permission (graph), or the owner of the repo.


See Delete a repo and free the used storage in Working with Git in Helix Core Server Administrator Guide.

Related Commands

To delete records of orphaned objects from the object table.

p4 graph gc (graph)

To recompute object refcounts in the object table.

p4 graph recompute-refcnts (graph)