Resolving upload and download conflicts

Conflicts can occur when two users edit and submit two versions of the same file. It is important to manually resolve a conflict so that all Helix Sync users have the correct version of the file. To resolve the conflict, contact the user that made the change, discuss the changes each of you made to the file, and agree on whose changes you want to use.


Downloading and uploading files regularly can help to minimize file conflicts with other Helix Sync users.

Resolving download conflicts

If there is a file on the Changes by others list that is also in your My changes list, Helix Sync will report a conflict and highlight the affected files with a red border when you try to download the other user's version of the file.

  1. When Helix Sync finds a conflict, a dialog box opens that tells you who changed the file and when.
  2. Click Download file to download the file from Helix server. This will overwrite your version of the file.


    Your version of the file is automatically moved to your trash can/recycle bin so you can restore it if needed.

Resolving upload conflicts

If there is a file on the My changes list that is also in your Changes by others list, Helix Sync will report a conflict and highlight the affected files with a red border when you try to upload your version of the file.

  1. When Helix Sync finds a conflict, a dialog box opens that tells you who changed the file and when.
  2. Click Overwrite file to upload the file to Helix server and overwrite the other file version in Helix server.