My Dashboard
The purpose of the dashboard is to allow you to focus on reviews that need to be done, so that other users are not blocked. The dashboard lists the most recently modified reviews first, and shows your role in the review.
Your dashboard is available by clicking My Dashboard in the menu or by clicking the Swarm icon above the main menu.
Since it is tied to the logged in user, My Dashboard is only populated if you are logged in.

A review is displayed on your dashboard if any of the following criteria are met:
- You are a reviewer or required reviewer, the review status is Needs Review and you have not already voted on it.
- You are a member of a reviewer group or a required reviewer group, the review status is Needs Review and you have not already voted on it. The review will remain on your dashboard even if the group has met its criteria if you have not already voted on it.
- You are the review author and the review status is Needs Revision, or Approved (only if the review is approved but not committed).
- You are a moderator or a member of a moderator group, the review status is Needs Review, the Minimum up votes requirement for the branch is satisfied, and one of the following is true:
- There are no required reviewers.
- All of the required reviewers have up-voted the review.
- You are the last remaining required reviewer for the review.
- You will see the review in your dashboard if the review has not been approved by another moderator from your branch.
- You will be able to Approve and Commit the review if it has been approved by moderators from all of the other branches.
If moderator behavior is configured to require approval from one moderator per branch and the review spans multiple moderated branches:
The filters are used to filter your dashboard reviews:
- Project: filter by the project the review is part of, limiting results to My Projects (projects you are an owner of or a member of) or specific projects. To select multiple projects, click the projects you want to filter by. The Project filter will only show projects for which there are reviews in your dashboard.
- Role: filter by your specific role in a review, limiting results to reviews for which you are the author, a reviewer, a required reviewer, or a moderator. The Role filter will only show roles for which there are reviews in your dashboard.
- Author: filter the reviews to only those that have been authored by a certain user. Select the author from the drop down list of users. The Author filter will only show authors for which there are reviews in your dashboard.
- Clear all: click to reset all dashboard filters back to their defaults.
- Search: filter the reviews by searching the review descriptions.
Refresh button
Refresh button (only displayed when new content is available for your dashboard): click Refresh to update your dashboard with the new content.
By default, when your dashboard is open, Swarm checks for new content every five minutes.
Review summaries
The dashboard displays a summary for each review.
- Avatar displays the avatar of the review author, click to view the profile of the author, see Viewing another user's profile.
- Description contains:
- first line of the review description, click to open the review. If the review description is too long it is truncated, click on the ellipsis
to expand it in the list page.
- review author, click to view the profile of the author.
- review type, either a pre-commit review or a post-commit review.
- review number, click to open the review, see Review display.
- review project branches, click to open the project.
- first line of the review description, click to open the review. If the review description is too long it is truncated, click on the ellipsis
- Your role: displays your role in the review and is the reason the review is in your dashboard. This can be Author, Reviewer, Required Reviewer, or Moderator.
- Last activity: displays the last time that any changes were made to the review, including votes, comments, commits, and file changes.
- State: a review can be in one of the following states:
- Needs review: The review has started and the changes need to be reviewed.
- Needs revision: The changes have been reviewed and the reviewer has indicated that further revisions are required.
- Approved: The review has been approved. The changes may need to be committed.
- Tests: shows the test suite state for the review, either tests in progress
, tests passed
, or tests failed
- Complexity: a traffic light icon and number shows the relative complexity of the review and the total number of lines changed in the review. Complexity can be configured by your Swarm administrator but, by default:
- Red: ≥ 300 changes
- Amber: < 300 and >30 changes
- Green: ≤ 30 changes
Tip- Review complexity is only calculated for a review when the review is updated and the file content has changed.
- Review complexity is only stored for the current version of a review.
Hover over the complexity icon to display more detailed information:
- Votes: displays the number of up votes and down votes for the review.
The Approved state only applies to review authors, it is only shown for a review that has been approved but has not been committed.