Browse collections

Assets are organized in collections in a project. You can browse collections to find assets you need to work with or add assets to a collection.

  1. On the home page, click Projects.

    The Projects page opens.

  2. Click the tab for the project to work with.

    • To view all projects you created, click My projects.
    • To work with all projects in Helix DAM, click All projects.
  3. Click a project to open it.

    The project opens. A project navigation pane is displayed on the left and collections are displayed on the right.

  4. To view and work with assets in the collection, click the collection. See Working with assets.

    To create a new collection, click Create new collection. See Create a collection.


    To go back to view all collections, click Assets in the left navigation pane or the Collections link the breadcrumbs.