Troubleshooting Helix authentication

When trying to resolving a problem with TeamHub authentication, start with running the following command as an admin user on the TeamHub server:

hth-ctl tail

This command will give you an overview of what is going on in all TeamHub log files. Following is a list of log file locations and descriptions.

Folder Description
unicorn_backend Unicorn logs for TeamHub backend errors
puma_pilsner TeamHub to Helix Core Server adapter logs
mongodb Mongo database logs for backend
redis Redis storage logs used by backend
logrotate logrotate logs for all log files
docker_registry Logs for docker repositories
nginx All HTTP requests
resque Logs for background jobs
resque-scheduler Logs for scheduled background jobs
puma Logs for websockets
streamer Logs for streaming files from repositories
maven Logs for Maven and Ivy repositories

In addition, the following table may assist you in troubleshooting common issues experienced with Helix Core Server authentication.

  Issue Root Cause/Resolution

For administrators

Sync with Helix Core Server seems to fail.

Make sure the Helix Core Server user is a valid user in TeamHub. TeamHub only supports user names up to 100 characters while Helix Core Server supports longer names. This gives an error during the sync operation that only appears in the log files. The TeamHub UI does not indicate a problem.

Authentication fails and the logs indicate Redis problems.

This may happen if Redis is configured to save snapshots but cannot persist on disk. You can either turn off snapshot saving or verify that Redis can save to the specified path.

Git repos stored in Helix Core Server are unresponsive.

Helix Core Server may be down.

I have added a user in Helix Core Server, but it is not available in the TeamHub UI.

TeamHub probably has not synced the data from Helix Core Server. By default, sync happens every 5 minutes.

The Git repository type I am looking for is not available even though I enabled Helix authentication for the TeamHub instance.

Make sure you reloaded the TeamHub client page after enabling Helix authentication in the TeamHub admin portal. TeamHub fetches instances settings during the initial page load. This means that if you change instance settings in another tab or window while a TeamHub client is already open, it won't retrieve the updated instance settings until you refresh the page.

I cannot log in to the new company I created.

With Helix authentication, TeamHub only supports one company per instance. The option to create additional companies is unavailable. It is recommended that you start from scratch with a new TeamHub instance when using Helix authentication. (Companies are not supported by Helix DAM.)

For users

I cannot push anything to a Git repo that is stored in Helix Core Server.

Make sure you have added an SSH public key through the TeamHub UI. For more information, see the Configuring SSH keys section in the Helix TeamHub Help.

If you have added an SSH public key, TeamHub probably has not synced the data. By default, sync happens every 5 minutes.

If you are using a self-signed certificate, this may happen because an SSL connection is enforced. Verify that your git configuration has the appropriate setting for http.sslVerify.