View Helix Core Cloud instance details and server status

Details about your Helix Core Cloud instance and Helix Core Server status are displayed in the Helix Core Cloud portal.

To view the Helix Core Cloud information, in the portal, click Overview in the left navigation bar.

Information is displayed in the following areas.

Instance details

Displays details about your Helix Core Cloud instance in Azure. You can view details including the company name, admin user email, admin user name, number of users, and allocated storage for your instance.

Helix Core Cloud status

Displays the status of your Helix Core Server.

Status Indicates:
Pending Helix Core Server deployment will start soon.
Deploying Helix Core Server deployment is in progress.
Online Helix Core Server is online and operating normally. Click Connect with P4V to view information required to create a connection to Helix Core Server from the Helix Core Visual Client (P4V).
Maintenance Helix Core Server is currently being upgraded either during the regular maintenance window or by your request. Helix Core is not available during this time.
Offline Helix Core Server is offline and not available because you unsubscribed from Helix Core Cloud or have a past due payment.

To view usage metrics for your Helix Core Server, click View metrics.

Get started

Displays information needed to configure Helix Core after deployment and before the team starts using it.