View Helix Core Server details for Helix Core Cloud

Details about the Helix Core Server in your Helix Core Cloud instance are displayed in the Helix Core Cloud portal.

To view the Helix Core Server details, in the portal, click Server Details in the left navigation bar.

The following information is displayed.

Field Description
Host Helix Core Server address, which users need to connect to the server from Helix Core clients. Click   to copy the server address to the clipboard.
Username Helix Core Cloud administrator username, which is required to log in to the Helix Core Cloud portal and as a super user to Helix Core Server from clients. Click the Copy button to copy the username to the clipboard.
Notification email Displays the email address of the person responsible for your Helix Core Cloud subscription. Helix Core Cloud notifications are sent to this email address. To change the address, click the Edit button , enter the new address, and click the Save button .
Helix Core Server version Version of Helix Core Server installed in your instance.
Host region Geographical location where Helix Core Server is deployed in Azure.
Initial password Helix Core Cloud administrator password you entered when subscribing. You can download a file that contains the password. You can only download the file once, so keep it in a safe place. If you have not already downloaded the password, click Download to download it. If you already downloaded the password file and no longer have the file, contact Perforce Support for help.