View usage metrics for Helix Core Cloud

Metrics for your Helix Core Cloud subscription are displayed in the Helix Core Cloud portal. You can view data about storage, network egress, and users of your subscription.

To view your usage metrics, in the portal, click Metrics in the left navigation bar.

Information is displayed in the following areas. Legends in each graph indicate the data displayed.

A subscription term starts on the day of subscription or renewal until the same calendar day of the next month minus one day. For example, if you subscribe on June 28, the term starts that day and ends July 27.

To change the term displayed, select a term in the Time list. Select All time to view all terms.

Storage Usage

Displays how many gibibytes (GiB) of storage were used in your instance compared to the storage limit over time. By default, your subscription includes 64 GiB of storage per subscription term.

  • Current usage indicates how much storage your instance is currently using.

  • Limit indicates the maximum storage for your instance.

To learn more about increasing your instance's storage, see View and update your Helix Core Cloud subscription.

Monthly Network Egress

Displays how many GiB of network egress your instance used over a subscription term compared to the limit. By default, your subscription includes 64 GiB of storage per term.

  • Limit indicates the maximum egress for your instance.

  • Over limit indicates how much over the maximum your instance was. If your instance goes over the limit, overage charges are incurred.

  • Current cycle indicates the subscription term that egress is measured in.


Displays how many users used your instance compared to the number of available users in your subscription over time.

  • Current users indicates how many users are currently using Helix Core in your subscription.

  • Available users indicates how many users remain available for use in your subscription.