Upgrading non-RDBMS mainline branches

Mainline branches created in Surround SCM 2008 or earlier must be upgraded to RDBMS format in Surround SCM 2009 or later because the database is now stored in an RDBMS format. Mainline branches that require upgrading are appended with 'non-RDBMS database'.

1. Select the mainline branch to upgrade and choose Tools > Administration > Upgrade Mainline Branch.

You are prompted to upgrade the mainline branch.

2. Click Yes.

The Mainline Destination dialog box opens.

3. Select the Destination database for the upgraded mainline branch.

If the database is not listed, you may need to add an RDBMS connection for it. See Adding RDBMS connections.

4. Select Ignore errors during upgrade to continue the upgrade even if errors occur.

Only select this option if you have already used the analyze utility to identify any data integrity issues in the database and could not repair issues causing errors.

5. Click OK.

The upgrade information is sent to the server for validation. 

  • If the validation succeeds, the upgrade starts and the Upgrade Status dialog box opens.
  • If the validation fails, the Test Connection dialog box opens with error information. You can copy and paste the text into an email or text file and email it to your DBA for help.
If the destination database does not include any Surround SCM tables, you are prompted to create them. See Creating Surround SCM database tables.

6. Click Close when the upgrade finishes.

The non-RDBMS database is not deleted from the original location during the upgrade. You may want to manually delete the directory after verifying the branch is successfully upgraded to RDBMS format.