Adding RDBMS connections
The Surround SCM Server database and mainline databases are stored in RDBMS-based databases. The server and mainline database tables are stored in the same RDBMS database by default. If you move the server database or mainlines to a different RDBMS database, you must first create an RDBMS connection.
1. Choose Tools > Administration > Server Options.
The Server Options dialog box opens.
2. Select RDBMS Connections from the General Server Options category.
3. Click Add.
The Add Connection dialog box opens.
4. Select a Connection Type.
The fields depend on the selected connection type.
5. Enter the RDBMS Connection Information.
- PostgreSQL—Enter the Database Name, Host Name, Port, and Username and Password.
- ODBC-SQL Server—Select the Data Source Name (DSN). Only ODBC System DSNs are supported. Enter the SQL Server Username and Password. If the DSN is configured to use Windows NT authentication, leave these fields empty. The username and password of the logged in user on the Surround SCM Server computer is automatically used.
6. Enter the Minimum number of connections to specify the smallest number of connections to cache in the database connection pool. The default value is 1.
When the server starts, it automatically creates the specified number of database connections. Increasing this value can improve performance because the server does not need to create a database connection later. If you increase this number, you may need to purchase additional licenses from the database vendor.
7. Enter the Maximum number of connections to specify the largest number of connections to cache in the database connection pool.
The default number of connections is 999. Only change this value if you have a large number of mainline branches and are using too many connections to the backend database.
8. Click Test to validate the connection.
The Test Connection dialog box opens and displays the results. If the test connection fails, you can copy and paste the text into an email or text file and send it to your DBA for help.
9. Click Close to close the Test Connection dialog box.
You return to the Add Connection dialog box.
10. Click OK to add the connection.
You can now add new mainline branches to the database or copy existing mainlines to it. See Creating mainline branches and Copying mainline branches to different databases. You can also move the server database to the new database if you need to relocate it. See Setting the default server database location.