Mapping Active Directory and LDAP attributes

You can map license server user fields to Active Directory (AD) and LDAP fields to import information in a user record to the license server. See Default mappings for a list of default mappings.

1. Select a user attribute and click Edit when you are adding or editing an AD/LDAP server.

The Edit Attribute dialog box opens.

2. Enter the LDAP Field you want to map to the license server user field and click OK.

You can enter the AD/LDAP field name to map a single attribute to the field or use an expression to map multiple attributes to the field. Append and prepend the LDAP field name with a percentage sign (%). For example, the expression %organization% %company% maps the Organization and Company LDAP attributes to a license server user field. Any empty fields are not set for all users on the AD/LDAP server.

The license server uses the following backup field expressions if the primary field is unavailable or empty.

User field AD/LDAP attribute
Company company
Address %postOfficeBox%


%l%, %st% %postalCode%

3. To preview the field mappings, click Preview Users in the Add Server or Edit Server dialog box. See Previewing mapped Active Directory and LDAP attributes.

4. Click OK to save the changes.

Default mappings

The following AD/LDAP attributes are mapped to license server user fields by default.

License server user field AD/LDAP attribute
Address postalAddress
Company company
Department department
Division division
Email mail
First name givenName
Initials initials
Last name sn
Mobile phone mobile
User photo

Displayed in products that support photos.

Can also use photo or thumbnailPhoto.
User type employeeType
Username uid (LDAP)
SAMAccountName (Active Directory)
Work phone telephoneNumber