Changing the server database

You can configure the license server to use a different server database location. For example, you may need to change the server database if you move it to another computer or experience problems and want to use a backup copy. You should not need to frequently change the server database location.

Note:  Back up the server database before changing the configuration. See Backing up the license server database.

1. Make sure you are logged into the license server that uses the database to change. Choose File > Connect to Server to connect to a different server.

2. Click Server Options.

The Server Options dialog box opens.

3. Select the Server Database category.

4. Click Change.

The License Server Database Configuration dialog box opens.

5. Select a Database type.

6. Enter the Connection Information.

The available fields change based on the selected database type.

7. Click Test to test the connection.

The Test Connection dialog box opens and displays the results.

Tip:  If the test connection fails, contact your DBA or internal support department for help.

8. Click Close to close the Test Connection dialog box.

9. Click OK to change the database location.

The following information is verified if you selected ODBC - SQL Server or Oracle Native:

  • The specified information connects to a valid database.
  • The database is not used by another license server.
  • The required database tables exist and are accessible. If the database does not contain any license server tables, you are prompted to create them. See Automatically creating Helix ALM License Server tables.

You return to the Server Database category.

10. Click OK to save the changes.

Stop and restart the license server to complete the process.