Backing up the license server database

The Helix ALM License Server database should be backed up regularly.

SQLite databases

1. Stop the license server.

2. Back up the LicenseServDb directory on the computer that hosts the license server. The default locations are:

  • Windows—C:\Program Files\Perforce\License Server\LicenseServDb
  • Linux—/var/lib/splicsvr/LicenseServDb

3. Back up the storageKeys directory in the license server application directory. The default locations are:

  • Windows—C:\Program Files\Perforce\License Server\storageKeys
  • Linux—/var/lib/splicsvr/storageKeys

4. Restart the license server.

Other RDBMS databases

If the server database is stored in an RDBMS database, ask your DBA for help with backups.

Make sure you also back up the storageKeys directory in the license server application directory if it exists.