Viewing automated test result details

You can view detailed information about an automated test result submitted to Helix ALM. Depending on the data submitted, you can view information about the test environment, start date, duration, status, and test name. You can also view additional properties submitted with the result.

1. Click Automation Suites in the left navigation area.

The Automation Suites list opens.

2. Click the suite name or number. You can also select the suite, click Actions, and choose View.

The suite page opens.

3. Click the Summary tab.

4. Click the Automated Test Result Status subtab.

5. Click a test in the Test Name column.

The Automated Test Result Details dialog box opens. Information submitted to Helix ALM for the test result is displayed. You can search for a field included in the result.

If additional properties were submitted with the test result, they are displayed in the Properties area as name/value pairs. You can search for a property. To view a property, click the name, or select the property and click View. The Result Property dialog box opens. Click Close to close the dialog box.

6. Click Add Related Issue to add an issue related to the test results. See Adding related issues from automated test results.

7. Click Close when you finish.