Adding related issues from automated test results

If you work with issues in Helix ALM, you can create issues from automated test results to report problems found during a test.

1. Select a test result. You can select test results in:

  • Automation suites – Automated Test Result Status subtab on the Summary tab
  • Builds – Associated Results or All Results tabs
  • Test cases – Automated Test Results subtab on the Automation tab

The result must be associated with a test case and in an active automation suite.

2. Click Actions and choose Add Related Issue.

The Adding Issue page opens. Test result information is added to the following fields by default:

  • Summary – Includes the automation suite and test name.
  • Description – Includes the automation suite and test name, and result status

3. Make any changes.

4. Save the issue.

  • Click Save to add the issue to the project and return to the page you were working on.
  • Click Apply to save the issue and continue working on it. Save the issue when you finish.
  • Click Save and Add Another to add the issue to the project and then add another issue.
  • Click Cancel to discard any changes.

The available options depend on the Add Multiple Issues user option set in the Helix ALM Client. See the Helix ALM Client help for information about setting add multiple items options.

Note:  You may be prompted to link the issue with the original automated test result. Click Add Link to add a link or Do Not Link if you do not want to create a link. See Working with related items.