Submitting builds and automated test results to Helix ALM using the REST API

Regardless of your automated testing tool, you can automatically send build and test results back to Helix ALM and associate the test results with test cases for complete traceability.

If you use Jenkins, we recommend using the Helix ALM Test Management plugin for Jenkins to submit build and test results to Helix ALM. See Using the Helix ALM Test Management Jenkins plugin,

If your automated tests produce a report format that is not supported by the Helix ALM Test Management plugin, or you are not using Jenkins, you can use the Helix ALM REST API to work with automation suites and submit build and test results to Helix ALM.

Submitting results via the REST API requires writing a REST API client and result parser that parses a report file and translates the data to the REST API JSON structure for submitting builds and test results.

If you use both Jenkins and other tools for testing, you can use the Jenkins plugin and REST API in parallel.

See Automated testing in the Helix ALM REST API Guide for more information.

Tip:  If you see a Results were never reported and are unknown error in Helix ALM, this indicates that you need to use the REST API to submit results to Helix ALM.