Automated testing

Helix ALM builds a bridge to your continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. Regardless of your automated testing tool, you can automatically send build and test results back to Helix ALM and associate the test results with test cases for complete traceability.

If you use Jenkins, we recommend using the Helix ALM Test Management plugin for Jenkins to submit build and test results to Helix ALM. See Using the Helix ALM Test Management Plugin for Jenkins in the Helix ALM Web Client User Guide.

If your automated tests produce a report format that is not supported by the Helix ALM Test Management plugin, or you are not using Jenkins, you can use the Helix ALM REST API to work with automation suites and submit build and test results to Helix ALM.

Submitting results via the REST API requires writing a REST API client and result parser that parses a report file and translates the data to the REST API JSON structure for submitting builds and test results.

If you use both Jenkins and other tools for testing, you can use the Jenkins plugin and REST API in parallel.

The following information guides you through basic information and an example for using the REST API to submit automated testing data to Helix ALM. If you need additional help creating a solution to support your automated testing efforts in Helix ALM, contact Perforce Services.


In Helix ALM, automation suites define a group of related automated tests that run together. You can add suites based on functional area, specific testing type, or any logical organization that supports your testing needs.

An automation suite contains:

  • Details about the group of automated tests.
  • Test cases related to the automated tests.
  • Builds and automated test results.
  • Other data, such as run configurations, which are used to run builds in Jenkins from Helix ALM.

To view meaningful testing data in Helix ALM after builds complete in your automated testing tool, build and test result data needs to be submitted to Helix ALM and test results need to be associated with related test cases. Association can be done automatically or manually. See Associating automated test results with test cases in the Helix ALM Web Client User Guide for more information.

Regardless of how builds and test results are submitted to Helix ALM, after submission, you can view detailed information about builds and test results in the Helix ALM web client. See Viewing builds in the Helix ALM Web Client User Guide for more information.


REST API endpoints and examples for automated testing are available in the following categories in the REST API reference:

  • test case automation
  • automation suites
  • automation builds
  • automation results
  • automated testing configurations

Workflow for submitting builds and test results via the REST API

1. Add an automation suite to the Helix ALM project. You can add suites in the Helix ALM web client or using the POST /{projectID}/automationSuites endpoint.

2. Find the automation suite recordID using the GET /{projectID}/automationSuites endpoint.

3. Submit the build to Helix ALM using the POST /{projectID}/automationSuites/{automationSuiteID}/submitBuild endpoint.


See Example – Submitting a build and automated test results using the Helix ALM REST API for help understanding what is required to submit a build and automated test results using the REST API and how the submitted data is displayed in the Helix ALM web client.


  • The REST API supports setting additional data on builds that is not included in JUnit reports. For example, the REST API supports a device parameter for each test result, but this is not supported in JUnit reports. If your report has data like this that you want to submit to Helix ALM, you need to create JSON in the submit request to populate the data in Helix ALM.
  • For builds, you can add any name/value pairs for the properties property. Any submitted properties are displayed as name/value pairs in the Build Properties area in the Helix ALM web client.
  • Each test result can be associated to a test case automatically using a script ID in the name or tags properties. You can also manually associate results with test cases in the Helix ALM web client. When you create a manual association, the result uniqueName is used to associate the result with the test case for all subsequent builds.

Test result status IDs

Test result status has id and label properties. For example:

"status": {
	"id": 1,
	"label": "passed"

The status name, specified in label, is renamable. You may want to use the numeric values for id instead of label.

Following are the numeric values for id and how they correspond to statuses.

Numeric value Status
1 Passed
2 Failed
3 Skipped
4 Blocked
5 Unknown