Moving manual test runs through the workflow

The manual test runs workflow defines the path a manual test run takes from start to close. To move a manual test run through the workflow, it is assigned to users who perform the required work. When the work is complete, the user adds an event to the manual test run to move it to the next step in the workflow. Information about events is tracked in the manual test run workflow history. See Moving items through the workflow.

The default manual test runs workflow includes events for common actions performed on manual test runs. See Default manual test runs workflow. The steps you follow and available actions may be different depending on your team's workflow.

To add workflow events to manual test runs:

  • When working in the Manual Test Runs list, select a manual test run and click an event on the Workflow bar. Only valid events for the selected manual test run are available.
  • When working in a specific manual test run, click an event on the Workflow bar.

See Adding workflow events to items.

All event information is saved with manual test runs. To view workflow history, open a manual test run and click the Workflow tab. See Viewing workflow event history.