Configuring a Helix ALM License Server connection

The Helix ALM Server connects to the Helix ALM License Server to authenticate license and user information.

If you installed the Helix ALM Server and the Helix ALM License Server on the same computer and chose to use the default port numbers (5100 for license server and 99 on Windows or 1566 on Linux for the Helix ALM Server), the Helix ALM Server automatically connects to the license server when it starts.

If the license server is installed on a different computer or port, or is not found, you can log in using the local admin password to verify the connection information. See Troubleshooting for information.

1. Start the Helix ALM License Server and the Helix ALM License Server Admin Utility.

2. Click Setup on the Helix ALM License Server Login dialog box.

3. Click Add on the Setup Server Connections dialog box.

4. Enter a Server Name, Server Address, and Port. The default port is 5100.

5. Click OK to add the server connection.

6. Click Close in the Setup Server Connections dialog box to return to the Helix ALM License Server Login dialog box.

7. Log in as the default administrative user and click Connect. The username is Administrator and there is no password.

By default, the Administrator user has full admin security permissions and uses a floating license. We strongly recommend setting a password for this user to prevent unauthorized user access.