View the license server log for additional information when troubleshooting issues. See Viewing the server log.
If the Helix ALM or Surround SCM Servers cannot connect to the license server, check the following and try reconnecting:
- Make sure the computer that hosts the license server is running.
- Make sure you are connected to the network, intranet, or Internet.
If the applications still cannot connect to the license server, check the following to make sure the connection is configured correctly.
1. Start the license server and the Helix ALM or Surround SCM Server.
2. Start the Helix ALM Server Admin Utility or Surround SCM and log in using your admin username and password.
If a connection error occurs, you are prompted to use the local admin password to log in. Enter admin as the password. This password only provides access to the license server configuration.
3. Go to the License Server options.
- Helix ALM Server Admin Utility—Click Server Options and select the License Server category.
- Surround SCM—Choose Tools > Administration > Server Options and select the License Server category.
4. Make sure the server address and port number are correct and click Test Connection.
If the connection is successful, stop and restart the Helix ALM or Surround SCM Server for the changes to take effect.
If the connection is not successful, check the following:
- If the servers are installed on different computers, check your network and firewall configurations to open the necessary ports.
- Check the communications password set in the License Server options. It must be the same password set on the license server. To check the password in the Helix ALM License Server Admin Utility, click Server Options, and then select the Server category.
If you are experiencing problems with the license server database, see Troubleshooting RDBMS connections.