Starting Helix ALM
The Helix ALM License Server and Helix ALM Server must be running before you start Helix ALM. Contact your administrator for help if the servers are not running. See Starting the Helix ALM License Server and Starting the Helix ALM Server.
Helix ALM desktop client
Before you log in, make sure you have the Helix ALM Server and login information from your Helix ALM administrator.
1. Windows—Choose Programs > Perforce > Helix ALM > Helix ALM Client on the Start menu.
Mac—Double-click the Helix ALM Client icon in the Applications/HelixALM folder.
Linux—Enter /usr/bin/ttclient
2. When the application starts, select the Server to connect to. If you need to set up a server connection, see the Helix ALM help for information about adding server connections.
3. Enter your Username and Password.
You do not need to enter a password if you are configured to authenticate with Helix ALM using an identity provider, such as Okta.
If available, you can select Use single sign-on to log in with your network credentials. Ask your administrator for help.
4. Click Connect.
If you use an identity provider to authenticate, the provider web page opens. Authenticate with the provider and then return to Helix ALM.
5. Select a Project and areas to log in to.
6. Click OK.
You are logged in and ready to start using Helix ALM. See the Helix ALM help for more information.
Helix ALM web client
To use Helix ALM Web, you need the Helix ALM URL and your username and password.
1. Start a web browser and enter the URL.
The URL uses the server name or IP address of the web server hosting Helix ALM and the path to the login page. For example,
2. Enter your Username and Password.
You do not need to enter a password if you are configured to authenticate with Helix ALM using an identity provider, such as Okta.
If available, you can select Use single sign-on to log in with your network credentials. Ask your administrator for help.
3. Click Log In.
If you use an identity provider to authenticate, the provider web page opens. Authenticate with the provider and then return to Helix ALM.
4. Select a Project and areas to log in to.
5. Click Connect.
You are logged in and ready to start using Helix ALM. See the Helix ALM Web help for more information.