Configuring a Helix ALM Server connection
You need to configure a Helix ALM Server connection and create at least one project before users can log in to Helix ALM.
1. Start the Helix ALM Server and Helix ALM Server Admin Utility.
2. Click Setup on the login dialog box if the Setup Server Connections dialog box does not open automatically.
3. Click Add to add a server connection.
4. Enter a Server Name, Server Address, and Port Number.
5. Click OK to add the server connection.
6. Click Close in the Setup Server Connections dialog box to return to the login dialog box.
7. Log in as the default administrative user and click Connect. The username is Administrator and there is no password.
8. Click Projects and create at least one project. See the Server Admin Utility help for information.
9. Close the server admin utility when you finish adding projects.
Before users can access a project, you must retrieve the users from the license server to the project and add them to at least one security group using the Helix ALM Client. See the Helix ALM help for information about retrieving users and adding them to security groups.