Setting CGI configuration options

If you are installing the Helix ALM CGIs, you must select a location to install the CGI scripts and HTML files and set the Helix ALM Server address and port number. When web client users log in, or an external source control provider attaches files to items in a project, the web server calls the appropriate CGI, which communicates with the Helix ALM Server.

We strongly recommend configuring HTTPS for the CGIs on the web server. Login credentials sent from web clients to the CGIs are not encrypted, even if encryption is enabled on the server. See your web server documentation for information about configuring and using HTTPS.

Web server types

Microsoft IIS and Apache web servers are supported. See Supported Web Servers for supported versions.

Default HTML file installation directories

Select the directory to install the HTML files used by Helix ALM web clients.

If you are upgrading, you may be prompted to overwrite existing HTML files during installation. You should always overwrite these files to ensure that Helix ALM works correctly after the upgrade is complete.

Web server Platform Default HTML files directory
IIS Windows C:\inetpub\wwwroot
Apache Windows C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache <version>\htdocs
Linux /var/www/html

Helix ALM Server address and port

Enter a static IP address or domain name and port number of the Helix ALM Server computer. The Helix ALM CGIs use this information to communicate with the server. You are only prompted to enter this information the first time you install Helix ALM.

Platform Default server port
Windows 99
Linux 1566

Default CGI installation directories

Select the directory to install the CGI scripts. The web server must have access to this directory.

Web server Platform Default logical CGI directory name Default CGI scripts directory
IIS Windows scripts C:\inetpub\scripts
Apache Windows cgi-bin C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache <version>\cgi-bin
Linux cgi-bin /var/www/cgi-bin

If you are installing the Helix ALM License Server Web Admin Utility, you must set a location to install the CGI scripts and HTML files. See Setting Helix ALM License Server configuration options.

Linux installation notes