Setting Helix ALM License Server configuration options

You must select a Helix ALM License Server application directory. The Linux installers also require you to select a directory for creating the LSStartup.log file, which contains errors that are logged when the server starts. You can use the default directory for these options or select a different directory.

Additional configuration options include setting the server port number, choosing a server execution mode (Windows only), and setting the web server admin utility CGI and HTML file locations.

Default installation directories

Platform Files installed Default directory
Windows All files C:\Program Files\Perforce\License Server
Linux Application /var/lib/splicsvr
LSStartup/log file /var/log
Other executable Unix programs, shell scripts, and the license server daemon /usr/bin

Web server admin utility CGI and HTML file installation directories

If you are installing the license server web admin utility, you must set a location to install the CGI scripts and HTML files.

Microsoft IIS and Apache web servers are supported. See Supported Web Servers for supported versions.

Web server Platform Default CGI directory Default HTML files directory
IIS Windows C:\inetpub\scripts C:\inetpub\wwwroot
Apache Windows C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache <version>\cgi-bin C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache <version>\htdocs
Linux /var/www/cgi-bin /var/www/html

Server execution mode (Windows only)

You can choose to run the license server as a service to automatically start the server when the computer starts. If you run the server as an application, you must manually start it.

Server port

Helix ALM clients and the license server web admin utility CGIs communicate with the license server on this port. Use the default port number (5100) or enter another number.

Linux installation notes