Working with item links

You can link items to other items in the same project to establish relationships and manage changes that may impact other items. You can link items in parent/child or peer relationships. See Linking examples for common uses for linking.

Tip:  If you frequently view information about items linked to other items, you may want to add linked items columns to list windows. You can easily view and navigate to more information about linked items from these columns. See Viewing linked item information in list windows. To identify items with broken links, add the Has Broken Links column to the list window. Broken links occur when a parent/child link does not have a parent item or all child items are removed, or when a peer link only has one item.

1. Click the Links tab when you are viewing or editing an item.

Note:  Requirement links are displayed on the Traceability tab.

2. Click Add Link to create a link. See Adding links.

3. Select a link and click a button to perform an action.

Button Action
View Link View read-only link information. See Viewing link information.
Edit Link Open the link for editing. See Editing and deleting links.
Delete Link Delete the link.
Diagram Link View a diagram of the relationships between linked items. See Diagramming links.

4. Select a link and an item in the Link Details area and click a button to perform an action. These actions are not available for automated test results.

Button Action
View Item Open the read-only linked item.
Edit Item Open the linked item for editing.
Investigate View the suspect dependencies. See Investigating suspect dependencies.
Clear Suspect Clear the suspect flag on items marked as suspect. See Clearing suspect items.
Mark Suspect Mark the item as suspect to indicate changes may be needed. See Marking items as suspect.

5. Click OK when you finish.