Viewing link information

You can view read-only link information, including the linked items, definition used, and any comments. You can also view the history of changes made to a link. A link history entry is created when a link is created or broken, or an item is added, removed, or merged (issues only).

Tip:  If you frequently view information about items linked to other items, you may want to add linked items columns to list windows. You can easily view and navigate to more information about linked items from these columns. See Viewing linked item information in list windows. To identify items with broken links, add the Has Broken Links column to the list window. Broken links occur when a parent/child link does not have a parent item or all child items are removed, or when a peer link only has one item.

1. Click the Links tab when you are editing or viewing an item with links.

Note:  Requirement links are displayed on the Traceability tab.

2. Select a link and click View Link.

The View Link dialog box opens.

3. Click the Link History tab.

The following information is displayed depending on changes made to the link.

  • Link Broken—Date the link was broken, user who removed the item that broke the link, item number, and item summary.
  • Item Added—Date the item was added, user who added it, item number, and item summary.
  • Item Removed—Date the item was removed, user who removed it, item number, and item summary.
  • Issues Merged—Date the issue was merged, user who merged it, and old and new issue numbers. (issues only)

4. Click OK when you finish.