Adding test cases

Add a test case to define the set of conditions, actions, expected results, and other criteria used to determine if a product component works correctly and meets its specified requirements. Each test case should focus on one component. Your testing may require more than one test case per component.

Tip:  Test cases are used for both automated and manual testing in Helix ALM.

1. Choose Create > Test Case. You can also click Add on the Test Cases list window.

The Add Test Case dialog box opens.

2. Enter a Summary to briefly describe the test. You can enter up to 255 characters.

3. In the left pane, enter or select General and Custom Fields values. The available fields and grouping depends on how Helix ALM is configured for your team. To learn more, see Configuring field layouts.

  • To scroll to a field group, click Scroll to fields and select a field group.
  • To expand a field group, click . To collapse a group, click . To expand all groups, click . To collapse all groups, click .
  • If information is available about a field group, mouse over to display a tooltip.

Tip:  You can use test variant field codes in test case fields and steps. When you generate manual test runs, field codes are replaced with the variant values. For example, if you have an Operating System variant with a %Z_OSVARIANT% field code and the Windows value is used to generate manual test runs, the field code is replaced with Windows in the manual test run. To add a variant field code, right-click the field or step and choose Insert Variant Field Code. Select a field code and click OK to add it.

4. Click the Steps tab and enter the steps to perform the test and the expected results. See Entering test case steps.

5. Click the Variants tab to select the test variants to include or exclude when manual test runs are generated for the test case.

Test variants are attributes of the tested application used to generate manual test runs. A manual test run is created for each unique combination of variant values selected when generating manual test runs. See Managing test variants for manual tests.

6. Click the Files tab to attach automated scripts and other files testers may need to perform the test. See Attaching files.

7. Click the Folders tab to add the test case to a folder. See Adding items to folders.

Note:  You will use the Manual Test Runs, Workflow, Links, and History tabs when viewing or editing test cases. See Viewing test cases and Editing test cases.

8. Click Add to save the test case and add it to the project.

You can also click Apply to save the test case and continue working on it. Click OK when you finish.

Tip:  Depending on user options, the Add Test Case dialog box may remain open after the test case is added. Click Cancel to close it. You can change the Add Multiple Test Cases user option to automatically close the dialog box after adding a new test case. See Setting add multiple items options.