Configuring Microsoft Word export templates

Before users can export Helix ALM items to Word, templates must be created and added to Helix ALM. A template is a Word document that controls what information Helix ALM exports and the formatting of the resulting document. You can create a new template from scratch or use one of the sample templates available for download to get started. See Creating Microsoft Word export templates.

After you create a template, add it to Helix ALM to upload it to the server and select the security groups who can use it to export items.

An administrator or other high-level user is usually responsible for configuring Word export templates.

1. Choose File > Export > Configure Word Export Templates. You can also click Configure Templates in the Export to Microsoft Word dialog box.

The Configure Word Export Templates dialog box opens. A list of all templates in the project is displayed. Users with who can configure Word export templates can see and work with all templates in the project. Command- and field-level security is only enforced when previewing exports or exporting items.

Note:  Draft templates are indicated by the Draft icon in the template list. Draft templates are not available to other users for exporting.

2. Click Add to add a Word template. See Adding Microsoft Word export templates to Helix ALM.

Note:  You need to create a template in Word before you can add it to Helix ALM. See Creating Microsoft Word export templates. See Sample Microsoft Word export templates for a list of sample templates you can download and customize.

3. Select a template to view the settings, preview an export using it, or download it. See Previewing Microsoft Word exports and Editing Microsoft Word export templates.

4. Select a template and click Duplicate to create a copy of it. See Duplicating Microsoft Word export templates.

5. Select a template and click Edit to edit the template information or upload a new version. See Editing Microsoft Word export templates.

6. Select one or more templates and click Export to export them to an XML file. See Exporting Microsoft Word export templates.

7. Click Import to import templates exported to an XML file from another project. See Importing Microsoft Word export templates.

8. Select a template and click Delete to delete it. See Deleting Microsoft Word export templates.

9. Click Close when you finish.

Note:  If export problems occur, you can create a ZIP file that contains information about a template and send it to Perforce Support for troubleshooting help. See Generating debug files for troubleshooting Microsoft Word export problems.