Generating debug files for troubleshooting Microsoft Word export problems

If you are experiencing Word export problems and need help from Perforce Support, you can generate a ZIP file that contains detailed information about a template.

1. Enable debugging to add a Debug button to the Configure Word Export Templates dialog box. See Setting advanced local options.

2. Choose File > Export > Configure Word Export Templates. You can also click Configure Templates in the Export to Microsoft Word dialog box.

The Configure Word Export Templates dialog box opens.

3. Select the template causing problems during exports and click Debug.

If you are debugging a template for exporting issues, requirement documents, requirements, test cases or manual test runs, the Select Items for Debug dialog box opens.

If you are debugging a template for exporting folders, the Select Folders for Debug dialog box opens.

4. Select the items or folders to include in the debug files.

To find items, you can search, go to a specific item number, apply a filter, or select the <Recent Items> filter to view a list of recently accessed items.

5. Click Debug if you selected items or OK if you selected folders.

The Save As dialog box opens.

6. Choose a location to save the file in and enter a File name.

The default file name is the same as the template name with a .zip extension.

7. Click Save.

A progress indicator opens. A confirmation dialog box opens when file generation is complete. It displays the location of the .zip file.

8. Click OK.

9. Email the ZIP file to Perforce Support.