Bulk changing fields to update multiple items

If you need to change the same information in a large number of items, use bulk change fields instead of manually editing each item. For example, you may need to change the priority of 50 issues from low to high. Instead of editing each issue, you can bulk change fields to update the items simultaneously.

You can change the following fields based on the item type. Fields you can change depend on your security permissions. See Security notes for more information.

Item type Fields you can change
Issues System fields, custom fields, workflow events, and Reported by records, including steps to reproduce and computer config
Requirements System fields, custom fields, workflow events
Requirement documents System fields, custom fields, workflow events
Test cases System fields, custom fields, workflow events, steps, test variants
Manual test runs System fields, custom fields, workflow events

Note:  See Changing test variant values for multiple test cases for information about bulk changing test variant values.

1.Select the items to update on the list window. For example, if you need to change the priority for a set of issues, select the issues on the Issues list window. You can also bulk change requirements from an open requirement document.

Make sure you only select items you want to update. There is no undo available for bulk changing fields.

2. Choose Activities > Bulk Changes. The menu name changes based on the selected item type.

The Bulk Changes dialog box opens.

3. Click the tab that includes the field types to update. For example, click the Reported by tab to update the Date Found field for a list of issues.

4. Make any changes. The available options depend on the field type.

  • To set the field to a new value, select Set to value and enter a value.
  • To add text to the beginning of a text field value, select Prepend and enter the text.
  • To add text to the end of a text field value, select Append and enter the text.
  • To replace a text field value, select Replace and enter the text to search for. Enter the replacement text in the With field.

If you are updating issues with multiple reported by records, and you are changing Reported By, Steps to Reproduce, or Computer Config values, select Apply changes to all records to change this information in all reported by records. If you do not select this option, only the first record is changed.

If you are changing Event values for any item type, select Apply to all events to change all item events. If you do not select this option, only the most recent event is updated.

Note:  If you are updating test cases and adding text to the steps, the text is added as a comment before or after the existing steps. You cannot use bulk changes to add numbered steps.

5. Click OK.

You are prompted to confirm the changes.

6. Click Yes.

The items are updated.

Security notes

Keep in mind that command and field security are respected when bulk changing fields. In addition to the following requirements, users can only bulk change fields they have editing Read/Write privileges for in their security group.

Item type Security notes
Issues The Bulk Change Issues and Edit Issues security commands must be enabled for the user's security group to bulk change issue fields. The Edit Issues Assigned To Anyone command must be enabled to change issues assigned to other users. The Edit Closed Issues command must be enabled to change closed issues. The Edit Locked Issues command must be enabled to change issues locked by the workflow.
Requirements The Bulk Change Requirements and Edit Requirements security commands must be enabled for the user's security group to bulk change requirement fields. The Edit Requirements Assigned To Anyone command must be enabled to change requirements assigned to other users. The Edit Closed Requirements command must be enabled to change closed requirements. The Edit Locked Requirements command must be enabled to change requirements locked by the workflow.
Requirement documents The Bulk Change Requirement Documents and Edit Requirement Documents security commands must be enabled for the user's security group to bulk change document fields. The Edit Requirement Documents Assigned To Anyone command must be enabled to change requirements assigned to other users. The Edit Closed Requirement Documents command must be enabled to change closed documents. The Edit Locked Requirement Documents command must be enabled to change documents locked by the workflow.
Test cases The Bulk Change Test Cases and Edit Test Case security commands must be enabled for the user's security group to bulk change test case fields. The Edit Test Cases Assigned To Anyone command must be enabled to change test cases assigned to other users. The Edit Closed Test Cases command must be enabled to change closed test cases. The Edit Locked Test Cases command must be enabled to change test cases locked by the workflow.
Manual test runs The Bulk Change Manual Test Runs and Edit Manual Test Runs security commands must be enabled for the user's security group to bulk change manual test run fields. The Edit Manual Test Runs Assigned To Anyone must be enabled to change manual test runs assigned to other users. The Edit Closed Manual Test Runs command must be enabled to change closed manual test runs. The Edit Locked Manual Test Runs command must be enabled to change manual test runs locked by the workflow.