Configuring custom fields

Custom fields let you capture additional information in items. For example, you can configure a custom pop-up menu field for requirements where users can select the requirement owner.

You can add up to 100 custom fields per item type and workflow event in a project. The following field types are available.

Field type Use to:
Single line text string Enter an alphanumeric text value.
Single line integer Enter a numeric value.
Single line decimal number Enter a numeric decimal value.
Single line hyperlink Enter an address to a web page or file, which is displayed as a hyperlink.
Multi-line text Enter multiple lines of text. Format text in these fields and insert images, tables, hyperlinks, and stamps.
Date/time Select a date or date/time value.
Check box Select a check box to indicate if a value applies to an item or event.
Pop-up menu Select one or more values from a list.
Calculated View a read-only value calculated from other field values.

Note:  Issue custom fields can be displayed on the Custom Fields tab or in the main area of the Add, Edit, or View Issue dialog boxes. Custom fields for other items are displayed on the Detail tab in the Add, Edit, or View dialog boxes. Custom fields can also be included on workflow event dialog boxes. See Configuring workflow events.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Custom Fields.

The Setup Custom Fields dialog box opens.

2. Select an Item type. The fields displayed depend on the selected type.

3. Click Add in the Active Fields area to add a custom field to existing items in the project. See Adding custom fields.

Note:  To add a field without affecting existing items, click Add in the Draft Fields area. See Creating draft custom fields.

4. Select a field and click Edit to change it. See Editing custom fields.

5. Select a field and click Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Bottom to change the display order.

On Add, Edit, and View item windows, custom fields are displayed in the order they are configured in the field layout assigned to the user's security group, not the order they are listed on the Custom Fields page. If custom fields in items do not follow the order you want to use, update the order in the field layout. See Editing field layouts.

6. Select a field and click Delete to delete it. See Deleting custom fields.

You can only delete custom fields if all other users are logged out of the project and you do not have any items open for viewing or editing.

7. Click OK to save the changes.

Depending on the changes, you may be prompted to recalculate field values in items. See Recalculating field values.