Adding Helix ALM items from Jira

You can add new Helix ALM issues, requirement documents, requirements, and test cases from Jira issues and automatically attach them to the issues they were added from. This makes it easy to create an item without switching to Helix ALM and to make sure the item is attached to the related Jira issue so other team members have the information they need.

For example, if you are working on a Jira issue and discover a test is needed for it, you can add a Helix ALM test case from the issue. When you save the test case, it is added to Helix ALM and automatically attached to the Jira issue.

1. In the Helix ALM Items area in a Jira issue, click Add and select the item type to add to Helix ALM.

The Helix ALM Add item page opens in a new browser tab. You may be prompted to log in.

2. Enter or select the item information. See Adding issues, Adding requirement documents, Adding requirements, or Adding test cases.

3. Save the item.

  • Click Save to add the item to the project and return to the item list. The item is attached to the Jira issue you added it from. Information about the item is displayed in the Helix ALM Items area in the Jira issue. You may need to refresh the Jira page to see the change. See Working with Helix ALM items in Jira.
  • Click Apply to save the item and continue working on it. Save the item when you finish.