Viewing audit trail record details

You can view audit trail records to review information about how and when items were modified, the user who modified them, and any notes entered by the user when making the change.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > View Audit Trail.

The Search Audit Trail dialog box opens.

2. Select search criteria and click Search. See Searching audit trail records.

The View Audit Trail dialog box opens.

3. Select a record to view the details.

4. Select records or click Select All to select all records and then click a button to perform an action.

Button Use to: More information
Validate Records Ensure the records were created using a valid Helix ALM source. Validating audit trail records
Export Records Export the records to a text or XML file. Exporting audit trail records
View Report Generate a report detailing what changed in the records. Generating audit trail detail reports

5. Click Modify Search to narrow or broaden the previous search or perform a new search. See Searching audit trail records.

6. Click Close when you finish.