Searching audit trail records

You can search the audit trail to find change records based on criteria such as date, user, number, modification source, and modification type.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > View Audit Trail.

The Search Audit Trail dialog box opens.

2. Select the date range of records to view.

The date defaults to today’s date. You can enter another date.

3. Select a Users option.

  • All users includes records for all users.
  • Selected users includes records only for specific users. Select the users to include. Click the Find User button to find users to include in the search. See Searching for users and customers in fields.

4. Select an Items option.

  • All Items includes records of all issues, folders, requirements, documents, test cases, manual test runs, builds, baselines, and configuration changes in the project.
  • Only includes only the selected item type.
  • Select an item type and then enter the item number to include specific records.

5. Select a Modification Sources option.

  • All sources includes records of items changed using all sources.
  • Selected sources includes records of items changed using specific sources.

6. Select a Modification Types option to include records based on the action that changed the record.

  • All types includes all modification types.
  • Selected types includes only the selected modification types.

7. Click Search.

The View Audit Trail dialog box opens. A list of matching records is displayed. See Viewing audit trail record details.

8. Click Close when you finish.