Configuring Helix ALM to track sent email

When email tracking is enabled, Helix ALM saves email with the specific item it is sent from. Users can view tracked email on the item Overview and Email tabs.

To track email, an administrative user must enable tracking for the server and project.

Perform the following tasks to configure Helix ALM to track sent email.

1. Make sure Helix ALM is configured to send email

See Configuring Helix ALM to send email.

2. Configure email tracking options on the Helix ALM Server

Enter connection information for the email server and account to use to receive replies to tracked email sent from Helix ALM. See the server admin utility help for information about setting email tracking options.

3. Enable email tracking options for the project

Enable email tracking for the project to generate a tracking cookie that identifies the specific project, email, and item the email was sent from. See Setting email project options.

4. Enable email tracking security commands

Users can only work with tracked email if their security group has the following commands enabled for an item type: Send Tracked Email, Reply To Tracked Email, View Tracked Email, and Delete Tracked Email. Make sure these commands are enabled for each item type users in the group can work with. See Editing security groups.