Adding webhook rules

Add a webhook rule to automatically send a webhook notification to a recipient when an issue, test case, test run, requirement, or requirement document is added or changed in Helix ALM.

Each trigger has a rule, which is a set of criteria that specifies the filter that items must meet for the trigger to run, the change that causes it to run, and the action to perform. If all criteria in the rule are met when an item is saved, the trigger runs.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Automation Rules.

The Configure Automation Rules dialog box opens.

2. Select an Item type.

3. Click the Webhooks tab and then click Add.

The Add Webhook Rule dialog box opens.

4. Enter a Rule name.

5. On the Precondition tab, select a filter from the Passes filter list to only run the webhook rule for specific items.

You may want to select a filter if the project contains a large number of items. Click Create Filter to create a filter. See Adding filters.

6. Click the Actions tab to specify the webhook recipient to receive the webhook notification. Unlike other automation rules, the action is the same for all webhook rules: To send a webhook notification to the webhook recipient when the selected item type changes.

After you select a webhook recipient to use for the rule, information about that recipient appears in the Details section, including the description, URL, batching setting, and the current status of the recipient. If the status is disabled, and icon appears. Hovering over the status column for any disabled recipient displays the last error message stored for the recipient.

7. Click OK to add the webhook rule. An error message appears if you have not selected a recipient for the webhook rule and the rule is not created.