Administration security commands

Only enable the following commands for administrator security groups.

Keep in mind that the navigation for accessing commands in the Helix ALM web client is different than the desktop client, but command security enabled in the desktop client applies to the same commands in the web client.

Command name Provides access to: More information
Edit Project Options Tools > Administration > Project Options Controls options for the project the user is currently logged in to.
Setup Project Fields Tools > Administration > Custom Fields Controls options for configuring custom fields. Configuring list items for custom pop-up menu fields is controlled by the List Values command.
Can Lock Project Tools > Administration > Lock Project

Tools > Administration > Unlock Project
Configure List Values Tools > List Values

Setup List Items button on Add Custom Fields and Edit Custom Fields dialog boxes
Controls project configuration options including types, priorities, severities, products, components, disposition, reproduced names, test item types, run sets, requirement importance, and custom pop-up menu fields. Version names are controlled by the Setup Version Field command. The Setup Project Fields command is also required to configure custom pop-up menu fields.
Setup Version Field Tools > List Values > Version Values  
Export Project Configuration Report Tools > Administration > Configuration Report The report does not exclude any information based on security permissions. The user generating the report will be able to view project information that they cannot view in Helix ALM based on security permissions. Enable this command sparingly.
Configure Field Relationships Tools > Administration > Field Relationships  
Configure Required Fields & Default Values Tools > Administration > Required Fields & Default Values  
Configure Requirement Types Tools > Administration > Requirement Types  
Rename Field Labels Tools > Administration > Rename Field Labels  
Configure Notification Rules Notifications tab in the Configure Automation Rules dialog box (Tools > Administration > Automation Rules)  
Configure Trigger Rules Triggers tab in the Configure Automation Rules dialog box (Tools > Administration > Automation Rules)  
Configure Escalation Rules Escalations tab in the Configure Automation Rules dialog box (Tools > Administration > Automation Rules)  
Configure Webhook Rules Webhooks tab in the Configure Automation Rules dialog box (Tools > Administration > Automation Rules)  
Configure Webhook Recipients Tools > Administration > Webhook Recipients  
Configure Run Executable Actions Run executable option in the Add Rule Action dialog box for triggers and escalation rules  
Configure Email Templates Tools > Administration > Email Templates  
Configure SCC DB Options Project Options, Project Paths, and Check In Options categories in the Configure Source Control Integration dialog box (Tools > Source Control Integration) Changing options in the Project Options, Project Paths, and Check In Options categories affects all project users.
Configure Link Definitions Tools > Administration > Link Definitions  
Configure Folder Types Tools > Administration > Folder Types

Configure Folder Types button in the Add Folder and Edit Folder dialog boxes
Configure Item Mapping Rules Tools > Administration > Item Mapping Rules  
Manage Orphaned Emails Tools > Administration > Orphaned Email  
Show Logged In Users View > Show Logged In Users  
Log Out Other Users Log Out Users and Send Message buttons in the Logged In Users dialog box (View > Show Logged In Users) Requires the Show Logged In Users command.
Import From Text File File > Import > Text File Import Enable for administrative security groups only.
Export To Text File File > Export > Text File Export Enable for administrative security groups only. Field-level security is not enforced when you export data.
Import From XML File File > Import > XML Import Enable for administrative security groups only.

If disabled, users can still import saved list window tabs and requirement document views exported to an XML file from another project.
Export To XML File File > Export > XML Export Enable for administrative security groups only. Field-level security is not enforced when you export data.

If disabled, users can still export saved list window tabs and requirement document views to an XML file.
Import From Microsoft Word File File > Import > Microsoft Word Import Enable for administrative security groups only.
Export To Microsoft Word File File > Export > Microsoft Word Export  
Configure Document Export Templates File > Export > Configure Word Export Templates

Configure Templates button in the Export to Microsoft Word dialog box
Create Release Notes Output File > Build Release Notes  
View Audit Log Tools > Administration > View Audit Trail  
Configure Issue Workflow Rules Tools > Administration > Workflow Select Issues as the item type to configure issue workflow rules.
Configure Requirement Workflow Rules Tools > Administration > Workflow Select Requirements as the item type to configure requirement workflow rules.
Configure Requirement Document Workflow Rules Tools > Administration > Workflow Select Requirement Documents as the item type to configure document workflow rules.
Configure Test Case Workflow Rules Tools > Administration > Workflow Select Test Cases as the item type to configure test case workflow rules.
Configure Manual Test Run Workflow Rules Tools > Administration > Workflow Select Manual Test Runs as the item type to configure manual test run workflow rules.
Delete Issue Historical Actions Edit > Delete Event when the Workflow tab is selected in the Add Issue or Edit Issue windows Requires the Edit Issues command.
Delete Requirement Historical Actions Edit > Delete Event when the Workflow tab is selected in the Add Requirement or Edit Requirement windows Requires the Edit Requirements command.
Delete Requirement Document Historical Actions Edit > Delete Event when the Workflow tab is selected in the Add Requirement Document or Edit Requirement Document windows Requires the Edit Requirement Documents command.
Delete Test Case Historical Actions Edit > Delete Event when the Workflow tab is selected in the Add Test Case or Edit Test Case windows Requires the Edit Test Cases command.
Delete Manual Test Run Historical Actions Edit > Delete Event when the Workflow tab is selected in the Edit Manual Test Run window Requires the Edit Manual Test Runs command.
Delete Historical Issue Info Issues in the Delete historical information for list in the Delete Historical Info dialog box (Tools > Administration > Delete Historical Info) Requires the Edit Issues command.
Delete Historical Requirement Info Requirements in the Delete historical information for list in the Delete Historical Info dialog box (Tools > Administration > Delete Historical Info) Requires the Edit Requirements command.
Delete Historical Requirement Document Info Requirement Documents in the Delete historical information for list in the Delete Historical Info dialog box (Tools > Administration > Delete Historical Info) Requires the Edit Requirement Documents command.
Delete Historical Test Case Info Test Cases in the Delete historical information for list in the Delete Historical Info dialog box (Tools > Administration > Delete Historical Info) Requires the Edit Test Cases command.
Delete Historical Manual Test Run Info Manual Test Runs in the Delete historical information for list in the Delete Historical Info dialog box (Tools > Administration > Delete Historical Info) Requires the Edit Manual Test Runs command.
Delete Historical Folder Information Folders in the Delete historical information for list in the Delete Historical Info dialog box (Tools > Administration > Delete Historical Info) Requires the Edit Public Folders command.
Configure Dashboard Widgets Tools > Administration > Dashboards If the Configure Dashboards command is disabled, the menu item is named Dashboard Widgets.
Configure Dashboards Tools > Administration > Dashboards

Dashboards menu on the Dashboards window
Configure Field Value Styles Tools > Administration > Field Value Styles  
Configure Source Control Providers Tools > Administration > Source Control Providers  
Configure Task Boards Tools > Administration > Task Boards  
Manage Other Users' Saved Tabs and Views Set Owner and Delete buttons on the Saved Tabs and Saved Views dialog boxes when a tab or view owned by another user is selected  
Set Default Tabs and Views for Security Groups Set As Default button on the Saved Tabs and Saved Views dialog boxes

Edit button on the Edit Security Group dialog box when a Default Tabs or Default Views subcategory is selected
Import From ReqIF File File > Import > ReqIF Import (desktop client)

ReqIF Import on Admin home page (web client)
Configure Jenkins Integration Tools > Administration > Jenkins Integration (desktop client)

Jenkins Integration on Admin home page (web client)
Configure Field Layouts Tools > Administration > Field Layouts (desktop client)

Field Layouts on Admin home page (web client)
Configure Jira Integration Tools > Administration > Jira Integration