Adding Enter Event automation rule actions

The Enter Event automation rule action enters a workflow event on items. For example, use this action to automatically assign items to users. You can add this action to before save triggers and escalation rules.

Note:  If the event is not valid based on the workflow, the event is not added to the item and a warning is added to the automation rules log. See Viewing the automation rules log.

1. Select Enter event from the Action list in the Add Rule Action dialog box when you are configuring an automation rule.

2. Select the Event to enter.

3. If the event assigns items, select any Assign Options.

  • Make it unassigned removes the current assignment.
  • Assign to the Entered by user assigns the issue to the user who entered it.
  • Assign to the Created by user assigns the requirement, document, test case, or manual test run to the user who created it.
  • Assign to Found by users assigns the issue to all Found by users, the first Found by user, or the last Found by user.
  • Assign to the last user to enter an event assigns the item to the last user who entered the event. If the user entered the event in response to a multi-user assignment, the item is assigned to the last user who responded.
  • Assign to the following users assigns the item to the selected users or customers. Click the Find User button to search for users. See Searching for users and customers in fields.
  • Assign to the following groups assigns the item to users in the selected security groups.
  • Assign to the following list of users assigns the item to users in the selected list. This option is only available if a custom user pop-up menu field is configured for the item type.
  • Only enter this event if the item being processed is unassigned enters the event if the item is not assigned when the rule is evaluated.

4. Click OK to add the action.