List window report stylesheets

The following stylesheets can be used when running detail reports from list windows. See Running reports. You can set the default stylesheet for each list window in local options. See Setting stylesheet options.

List window Stylesheet Includes:
Customers CustomerDetailReport.xslt All customer information including computer configurations, the number and percentage of reported issues, and the date of the last reported issue.
Issues Use any of the issue detail report stylesheets See Detail report stylesheets.
Filters FilterDetailReport.xslt All filter information including description, access, and restrictions.
Folders FolderItemDetailReport.xslt Details of items included in the selected folder including workflow events.
FolderItemSummaryReport.xslt Details of items included in the selected folder excluding workflow events.
Reports ReportDetailReport.xslt Report settings including the title, type, data reported on, stylesheet, and other selected options.
Requirements Use any of the requirement detail report stylesheets See Detail report stylesheets.
Requirement Documents Use any of the requirement document detail report stylesheets See Detail report stylesheets.
Security Groups UsersGroupDetailReport.xslt All security group information including the users and customers in the group and enabled and disabled command security and field security options.
Test Cases Use any of the test case detail report stylesheets See Detail report stylesheets
Test Configs TestConfigDetailReport.xslt All test configuration information including CPU and peripherals data.
Manual Test Runs Use any of the manual test run detail report stylesheets See Detail report stylesheets.
Users UserDetailReport.xslt All user information including computer configurations, last login date/time, the number and percentage of reported, currently assigned, and closed issues, and the date of the last reported issue.
Workbook WorkbookDetailReport.xslt Details of tasks included in a user's workbook including workflow events for assigned items.
WorkbookSummaryReport.xslt Details of tasks included in a user's workbook excluding workflow events for assigned items.

Note:  You can use any of the list report stylesheets when running a list report from list windows. See List report stylesheets.