Detail report stylesheets

The following stylesheets can be used to create detail reports. Detail report stylesheets are generally located in the StyleSheets/Detail directory in the Helix ALM application directory on the Helix ALM Server computer.


Stylesheet name Includes:
CustomerDetailReport.xslt All information about customers, including contact and computer configuration information. Also includes issue information: the number and percentage of reported issues and the date of the last reported issue.


Stylesheet name Includes:
IssueDetailReport.xslt All information from issues, including details, reported by records, workflow events, folder information, and source file information. Does not include tracked email or linked items.
IssueDetailReportWithEmails.xslt All information from issues plus tracked email. Includes details, reported by records, workflow events, folder information, and source file information. Does not include linked items.
IssueDetailReportWithLinks.xslt All information from issues plus linked items. Includes details, reported by records, workflow events, folder information, and source file information. Does not include tracked email.
IssueHistoryReport.xslt Information from the issue History tab.
IssueLifeCycleSummaryReport.xslt Information from the issue Workflow tab.
IssueLinkSummaryReport.xslt Information about items linked to issues, including the relationship, number, type, summary, and status of linked items and the link definition used.
IssueReleaseNotes.xslt All release note entries for issues, including the release version.
IssueRevisionHistory.xslt General issue information, issue summaries, workarounds, and source file information.
IssueSummaryReport.xslt Information from all reported by records for issues, including steps to reproduce, computer configuration, and attachments.


Stylesheet name Includes:
FolderDetailReport.xslt Information about folders, including configuration information, and the type, number, summary, and status of items in folders.
FolderDetailReportRecursive.xslt Information about folders, including the type, number, summary, and status of items in child folders.


Stylesheet name Includes:
RequirementDetailReport.xslt All information from requirements, including version, document, snapshot, workflow event, folder, and source file information. Does not include linked items.
RequirementDetailReportWithLinks.xslt All information from requirements, including version, document, snapshot, workflow event, folder, and source file information.
RequirementFolderCoverageReport.xslt Information about each test case linked to requirements. Includes the total number of linked manual test runs, the manual test run completion status, and results.
RequirementForwardTraceabilityReport.xslt Requirements and test cases linked to each requirement, and issues linked to each test case in grid format.
RequirementHistoryReport.xslt Information from the requirement History tab.
RequirementSummaryReport.xslt Information from the requirement Detail tab.
RequirementTestCaseCoverageReport.xslt Information about each test case linked to requirements. Includes test case steps and expected results, the total number of linked manual test runs, and the manual test run completion status and results.
RequirementTestRunCoverageReport.xslt Information about each manual test run generated from test cases linked to requirements. Includes the total number of linked manual test runs, the manual test run completion status and results, and the manual test run set.

Requirement documents

Stylesheet name Includes:
RequirementDocumentDetailReport.xslt All information from documents, including details, snapshots, and workflow events. Does not include linked items.
RequirementDocumentForwardTraceabilityReport.xslt The requirements in a document organized by type in grid format. Includes the test cases linked to each requirement, the issues linked to each test case, and the issue status.
RequirementDocumentFullSpecificationReport.xslt Summaries and descriptions for requirements in a document.
RequirementDocumentHistoryReport.xslt Information from the document History tab.
RequirementDocumentImpactReport.xslt All requirements in a document and any items linked to the requirements in hierarchical outline format. Includes tag, summary, risk, difficulty, and status information.
RequirementDocumentSummaryReport.xslt Information from the document Detail tab.

Security groups

Stylesheet name Includes:
SecurityGroupComparisonReport.xslt Enabled and disabled command security and field security options for all or selected security groups.
UserGroupDetailReport.xslt Details about security groups, including the users and customers in the group, and enabled and disabled command security and field security options.

Test cases

Stylesheet name Includes:
TestCaseBackwardsTraceabilityReport.xslt A list of test cases and linked parent requirements in grid format.
TestCaseDetailReport.xslt All information from test cases, including details, steps, test variants, workflow events, generated manual test runs and status, and linked items.
TestCaseHistoryReport.xslt Information from the test case History tab.
TestCaseRunHistoryDetailReport.xslt Information about manual test runs generated from test cases. Includes the test case number, assigned to user, due date, manual test run set, status, and test variants. Also includes a summary of items linked to each test case.
TestCaseSummaryReport.xslt Information from the test case Detail and Steps tabs.

Test configs

Stylesheet name Includes:
TestConfigDetailReport.xslt Test configuration information, including CPU and peripherals data.

Manual test runs

Stylesheet name Includes:
TestRunDetailReport.xslt All information from manual test runs, including details, steps, test variants, workflow events, and linked items. Includes actual results and step results for manual test runs in detail grid view.
TestRunExecutionDetailReport.xslt All information from manual test runs, including details, steps, test variants, and workflow events. Includes actual results and step results for manual test runs in detail grid view. Does not include linked items.
TestRunHistoryReport.xslt Information from the manual test run History tab.
TestRunReport.xslt All information from manual test runs, including details, steps, and test variants. Does not include linked items or workflow events. Provides a printable report for testers to write results during testing.
TestRunStepsDetailReport.xslt Manual test run summary information, steps, and test variants. Provides a printable report for testers to write results during testing.
TestRunSummaryReport.xslt Information from the manual test run Detail and Steps tabs.


Stylesheet name Includes:
UserDetailReport.xslt Information about users. Includes the username, contact information, security groups, computer configuration, and date/time the user last logged in. Also includes issue information: the number and percentage of reported, currently assigned, and closed issues, and the date of the last reported issue.