Attaching Git, GitHub, and Team Foundation Server files to items

You can attach files to Helix ALM items from supported source control applications, such as Git and Team Foundation Server (TFS), when committing or checking in changes to source files. Enter the tag for the item to attach files to in the commit message (Git) or check in comment (TFS). Files are attached to the specified Helix ALM item when changes are pushed to the source control server.

Keep the following in mind:

  • Item tags are enclosed in square brackets ([]) and include the item type abbreviation, a dash, and the item number (e.g., [IS-34], [TC-12], or [RQ-115]). If you do not know the item abbreviation to use, ask your Helix ALM administrator.
  • Git, GitHub, and TFS users can only attach files to issues, test cases, and requirements. If you use another application, you may be able to attach files to manual test runs and requirement documents. Ask your Helix ALM administrator for information about item types you can attach to.
  • GitHub users must use the default item abbreviations for issues (IS), test cases (TC), and requirements (RQ), even if the item types were renamed in the project.

After files are attached, you can view them on the item Source Files tab. See Viewing Git, GitHub, and Team Foundation Server files attached to items.