Default item mapping rules

The following default item mapping rules are used to copy field values to items created from other items, add items to folders, and link items using the default link definitions. See Default link definitions. These rules can be edited but not duplicated or deleted.

Note:  Custom fields with the same name and field type in both item types in the rule are included in the default field mappings.

Create Issue from Automated Test Result

Field mappings



Option Default value
Link definition Automated Test Result Issue
Prompt user before adding link Enabled

Create Issue from Manual Test Run

Field mappings

Manual test run field Maps to issue field Notes
Summary Summary The Manual Test Run Label and Number are prepended to the field value.
Summary Description The Issue Label, Manual Test Run Label, and Manual Test Run Number are prepended to the field value.
Steps Steps to Reproduce Manual test run steps are always copied when creating issues from manual test runs. This field is not included in the Field Mappings list and cannot be changed.


Option Default value
Copy manual test run problem statements to the issue description Enabled
Add the issue to the same folders as the manual test run Disabled
Link definition Related Items
Prompt user before adding link Enabled

Create Issue from Requirement

Field mappings

Requirement field Maps to issue field Notes
Summary Summary The Requirement Label and Number are prepended to the field value.
Summary Description The Issue Label, Requirement Label, and Requirement Number are prepended to the field value.


Option Default value
Add the issue to the same folders as the requirement Disabled
Link definition Requirement Source
Prompt user before adding link Enabled

Create Requirement from Issue

Field mappings

Issue field Maps to requirement field Notes
Summary Summary The Issue Label and Number are prepended to the field value.


Option Default value
Copy description fields from all issue reported by records to the requirement description Enabled
Add the requirement to the same folders as the issue Disabled
Link definition Requirement Source
Prompt user before adding link Enabled

Create Test Case from Issue

Field mappings

Issue field Maps to test case field Notes
Steps to Reproduce Steps Steps from the first record are copied from issues with multiple reported by records.
Summary Summary The Issue Label and Number are prepended to the field value.


Option Default value
Add the test case to the same folders as the issue Disabled
Link definition Related Items
Prompt user before adding link Enabled

Generate Test Case from Requirement

Field mappings

Requirement field Maps to test case field Notes
Summary Summary The Requirement Label and Number are prepended to the field value.


Option Default value
Link definition Requirement Tested By
Prompt user before adding link Enabled

Generate Manual Test Run from Test Case

Field mappings

Test case field Maps to manual test run field Notes
Summary Summary  
Description Description  
Scope Scope  
Pre-Conditions Pre-Conditions  
Expected Results Expected Results  
Steps Steps Test case steps are always copied when generating manual test runs. This rule is not included in the Field Mappings list and cannot be changed.

Insert Shared Steps in Test Case


Option Default value
Link definition Shared Test Case Steps
Prompt user before adding link Disabled
Set <test case> as the parent item in the link Inserted Test Case