Default link definitions

Items, such as requirements and test cases, are linked using link definitions. A link definition specifies the type of relationship to establish between items, the item types and number of items allowed in a link, and optional behaviors that restrict the workflow of linked items.

The available default link definitions and items allowed in definitions depend on the Helix ALM areas you are using. For example, if you use the issue and test case management areas, you can create link definitions for linking issues, test cases, and manual test runs. None of the default link definitions have workflow restrictions.

Note:  If you have administrative privileges, you can modify the default link definitions or add new ones. See Configuring link definitions.

Link definition Allowed item types Relationship type Relationship restrictions Allow marking dependent items as suspect?
Parent/Child Issues, test cases, manual test runs, requirements, requirement documents, automated test results Parent/child Use any item type as parent or child items No
Related Items Issues, test cases, manual test runs, requirements, requirement documents, automated test results Peer -- No
Related Requirements Requirements Peer -- Yes
Requirement Source Issues, requirements, requirement documents, test cases, manual test runs Peer -- Yes
Requirement Tested By Requirements, test cases Parent/child Parent items must be requirements and child items must be test cases Yes
Shared Test Case Steps Test cases Parent/child Parent items must be test cases and child items must be test cases. Can only link two test cases. Yes
Automated Test Result Issue Issues, test cases, automated test results Parent/child Parent items must be test cases and child items must be issues or automated test results. Yes