Configuring webhook rules

A webhook is an HTTP-based callback function that allows event-driven communication between web applications. To implement webhooks in Helix ALM you need to:

  • Configure the webhook recipient, which is the destination endpoint for a webhook notification. The webhook recipient is used in the webhook rule. See Configuring webhook recipients.
  • Configure the webhook rule, which contains all the details required to generate webhook notifications when an issue, test case, test run, requirement, or requirement document is added or changed in Helix ALM. To configure a webhook rule, you need to have defined at least one webhook recipient and you must have the Configure Webhook Rules command security permission. If you do not, please contact your Helix ALM Administrator to enable this.
  • In addition to configuring webhooks in Helix ALM, you must also create an HTTPS service that listens for webhook notifications. See About webhooks for information about the JSON payload, custom Helix ALM headers, and additional information that can help you create the HTTPS service.

This topic explains how to configure webhooks rules in Helix ALM.

When configuring the webhook rules, the Configure Automation Rules dialog shows a list of rules with the following columns:

Column Description
Name Displays the name of the webhook rule.
Status Displays the item filter applied to the webhook rule.
Recipient Displays the name of the webhook recipient for the rule. If the recipient is disabled, an icon indicates there is an issue. Hovering over the disabled recipient shows a tooltip with the last stored error message for the recipient.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Automation Rules.

The Configure Automation Rules dialog box opens.

2. Select an Item type.

3. Click the Webhooks tab.

4. Click Add to create a webhook rule. See Adding webhook rules.

5. Select a webhook rule and click Edit to change it. See Editing and deleting webhook rules.

6. Select a webhook rule and click Inactivate to inactivate it. See Inactivating webhook rules.

7. Select a webhook rule and click Delete to delete it. See Editing and deleting webhook rules.

8. Click OK to save the changes.